Integration API quickstart

Forming API requests


The Brella API works with json data. Every request made to the API must contain the following.


Brella-API-Access-Token: [APIKEY]

Content-Type: application/json

Accept: application/vnd.brella.v4+json

This API is organized around REST. All request and response bodies, including errors, are encoded in JSON.

Request bodies for POST, PUT and PATCH requests use snake_case for object keys.

Response bodies comply with the JSON API specification. If you need help finding a suitable deserializer, please visit the official implementation guidelines for the JSON-API specification.

Query Parameters To ensure efficient performance and distribute system resources evenly, pagination is mandatory for all GET endpoints that return multiple objects as of January 8, 2025.

Pagination is controlled using the following query parameters:

  • page[size]: Specifies the number of records per page (maximum: 500).
  • page[number]: Indicates the page number to retrieve.

Path Params

Depending on the endpoints, we would require the Path Params as Organization ID and Event ID.

The Organization ID can be found in the URL when navigating to the Admin Panel under Organization Home Page.

  • For example:
  • In this case: 1111 is the Organization ID.

The Event ID can be found in the URL when navigating to the Admin Panel under the Event.

  • For example:
  • In this case: 5678 is the Event ID.