Find sponsor by external id
Get a single sponsor in an event using its unique identifier
Path Params
The id of the Brella organization you are trying to retrieve data from
The id of the Brella event you are trying to retrieve data from
The external id of the sponsor you are trying to find
Header Parameters
Your unique Brella API key
1curl --location -g --request GET 'https://api.brella.io/api/integration/organizations/{organizationId}/events/{eventId}/sponsors/find?external_id={externalID}' \
2--header 'Brella-API-Access-Token: String' \
3--header 'Accept: application/vnd.brella.v4+json' \
4--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
2 "data": {
3 "id": "3188",
4 "type": "sponsor",
5 "attributes": {
6 "id": 3188,
7 "external-id": "3HS204394",
8 "name": "Brella",
9 "order": null,
10 "logo-url": "https://brella-int.brella.io/uploads/sponsor/logo/3188/a75454545g5e4b.png",
11 "cover-image-url": "https://brella-int.brella.io/uploads/sponsor/coverimage/3188/a3343433a5e4b.png",
12 "website": "https://brella.io",
13 "twitter": "brellanetwork",
14 "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/brellanetwork/",
15 "facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/Brellanetwork/",
16 "instagram": "@brellanetwork",
17 "subtitle": "Boost your Virtual Experience with us!",
18 "industry": 39,
19 "position": 1,
20 "content": {
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24 "text": "Brella is a networking tool for events, conferences and livestreams. It helps professionals to find the most interesting people and make new high value contacts.",
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134 "text": "Using an event networking application simplifies the networking process. Your attendees use their time before your event to book meetings with the most relevant people for their business. This means they’re more engaged at your event.",
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294 "cta-text": "Visit booth3asd asdasd",
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298 "created-at": "2020-03-24T14:11:51.110Z",
299 "updated-at": "2022-11-30T14:26:30.748Z",
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596 }
597 }
598 ]
Updated 05 Aug 2024
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