Delete speaker assignment in timeslot
Remove existing speakers assigned to your event to any existing content-type timeslot
Path Params
The id of the Brella organization you are trying to retrieve data from
The id of the Brella event you are trying to retrieve data from
The id of the speaker assignment you are trying to edit
Header Parameters
Your unique Brella API key
1curl --location -g --request DELETE '{organizationId}/events/{eventId}/speaker_assignments/{speakerAssignmentId}' \
2--header 'Brella-API-Access-Token: String' \
3--header 'Accept: application/vnd.brella.v4+json' \
4--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
2 "data": {
3 "id": "139139",
4 "type": "speaker-assignment",
5 "attributes": {
6 "role": "Panelist",
7 "position": 2
8 },
9 "relationships": {
10 "speaker": {
11 "data": {
12 "id": "113447",
13 "type": "speaker"
14 }
15 },
16 "timeslot": {
17 "data": {
18 "id": "490434",
19 "type": "timeslot"
20 }
21 }
22 }
23 },
24 "included": [
25 {
26 "id": "490434",
27 "type": "timeslot",
28 "attributes": {
29 "external-id": null,
30 "title": "Linux Foundation Test2",
31 "reservable": false,
32 "duration": 30,
33 "location": null,
34 "content": null,
35 "subtitle": "Testing the subtitle",
36 "highlight-position": null,
37 "stream-link": null,
38 "chat-channel-id": null,
39 "start-time": "2029-06-30T22:00:00.000Z",
40 "end-time": "2029-06-30T22:30:00.000Z",
41 "tag-order": []
42 },
43 "relationships": {
44 "tags": {
45 "data": []
46 },
47 "locations": {
48 "data": []
49 },
50 "speaker-assignments": {
51 "data": [
52 {
53 "id": "138129",
54 "type": "speaker-assignment"
55 },
56 {
57 "id": "139139",
58 "type": "speaker-assignment"
59 }
60 ]
61 },
62 "speakers": {
63 "data": [
64 {
65 "id": "113447",
66 "type": "speaker"
67 },
68 {
69 "id": "113447",
70 "type": "speaker"
71 }
72 ]
73 },
74 "tabs": {
75 "data": []
76 },
77 "attendee-groups": {
78 "data": []
79 },
80 "event": {
81 "data": {
82 "id": "6357",
83 "type": "event"
84 }
85 }
86 }
87 },
88 {
89 "id": "113447",
90 "type": "speaker",
91 "attributes": {
92 "honorific": "Rtd. Admrl",
93 "first-name": "Jean-Luc",
94 "middle-name": null,
95 "last-name": "Picard",
96 "job-title": "Admiral (Retired)",
97 "company-name": "Starfleet Command",
98 "photo-url": "",
99 "bio": {
100 "blocks": [
101 {
102 "key": "d9kpc",
103 "text": "Born in a vineyard in France, Jean Luc Picard was one of the Federation's foremost commanders; who led the USS Enterprise through many a crisis. Picard has since retired, since an uprising at Utopia Planetia, and now lives on his vineyard in Paris. <br> In his spare time, the retired captain likes time-travel, making friends with the Borg and rustling up old friends for one 'last' adventure. <br> More info: Jean-Luc Picard was born to Maurice and Yvette Picard in La Barre, France, on 13 July 2305. As a child, he dreamed of joining Starfleet.[17] He and the rest of his family speak English, with UK English dialects—the French language having become obscure by the 24th century, as mentioned in the Next Generation episode 'Code of Honor'. In the first season of The Next Generation, Picard was depicted as having a special pride in being French, though this was dropped by the second season. Picard also has a number of British habits, including the regular consumption of Earl Grey tea, a fondness for Shakespeare (which he performs in holodeck simulations), riding horses with English tack and a knowledge of such British songs with Royal Navy associations as The young Picard failed his first Starfleet Academy entrance exam and, upon admission, met with numerous ethical/scholastic difficulties during his cadet career, but went on to flourish, developing a lifelong passion for archaeology, and he became the first freshman to win the Academy marathon.[17] Shortly after graduation, Picard was stabbed in the heart by a Nausicaan, leaving the organ irreparable and requiring replacement with a parthenogenetic implant; this would prove near-fatal later.[17] Ensign Picard's first posting was on the USS Reliant,[18] later serving as first officer aboard the USS Stargazer, which he later commanded.[17] During that time, he performed a warp-speed battle tactic that would become known as the Picard Maneuver.[17]",
104 "type": "unstyled",
105 "depth": 0,
106 "inline_style_ranges": [],
107 "entity_ranges": [],
108 "data": {}
109 }
110 ],
111 "entity_map": {}
112 },
113 "highlight-position": null,
114 "external-id": null
115 },
116 "relationships": {
117 "speaker-assignments": {
118 "data": [
119 {
120 "id": "138129",
121 "type": "speaker-assignment"
122 },
123 {
124 "id": "139139",
125 "type": "speaker-assignment"
126 }
127 ]
128 }
129 }
130 }
131 ]
Updated 23 Apr 2023
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